
As fatigue is the most common cause of failure, we offer a special course on design and computation in fatigue-loaded structures. We have a unique applied competence in the subject and our own computation tool FATcomp is included as part of the education.

Our mission is to reduce the number of fatigue failures!

As always, we can tailor the training for you. The usual layout is a day long and is aimed primarily at designers, production technicians and other steel users. We offer the course in Swedish and English. Note that the FATcomp software is only available in English.


Purpose of education

  • to advise on how to deal with the recommendations and products from the steel manufacturers
  • to give designers tips on what to think of
  • to provide knowledge of different manufacturing processes
  • to discuss design, production and material choice
  • to provide practical advice on avoiding fatigue failures
  • to use FATcomp for a design coputatuion
  • to assess different assumptions and computation results
  • to exchange experiences between participants, especially if the education is to one company

Target group

  • Designers, structural engineers
  • Production managers
  • Computation specialists
  • Test engineers, technical consultants
  • Teachers and students at Universities

Example of program

  • the fatigue phenomenon and influencing factors
  • fatigue loads and load spectrum
  • Fatigue design and computation, explanation of computation and the design criteria parameters
  • Design practice, the computation tool FATcomp
  • Field experience, standards
  • Design guidelines and best practices
  • Production aspects

We offer FATcompp as part of the training, read more on www.fatcomputation.com

You can order a customized program, only parts of the program or expanded session on special topics of your choise. We recommend that the training covers one or two days.

Follow-up is in the form of a questionnaire. Every participant gets a training certificate

Welcome to contact us at Toleap Consulting AB if you want to order a training program, or get more information about our tailored offer to meet your and your companys needs.

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