In good spirit!
It always takes time to establish a new business, but the orders have started to come in. There is room for more, welcome!
A customer that we can mention is of course SSAB, both the mother SSAB and the business units. The assignments are for instance Swedish Steel Prize and the Design Handbook.
Since quite a while now we have been working on developing Hallbyggarna Jonsereds AB's customer offering. Exciting! Read more about this at Hallbyggarnas homepages.
We have done a few educations, a couple of homepages (besides our own) and we have done a couple of concepts for education platforms. Still we cannot tell you more about these.
Are you one of our future customers? Welcome!
Jan, Jan-Olof and Karl-Erik have trained thousands of co-workers for a large amount of companies. They have also both been responsible for the nomination and jury assignments for the Swedish Steel Prize, founded 1999. In that project alone, they have had contacts with more than 1000 different companies. Jan is also one of the three founders of the prize.
Roger has of course a tremendeous merit list and network. He has also led numerous training activities worldwide. Roger has been especially directed to the automotive and the steel industry.
Andreas Kuoppa has completed his degree in information system sciences mainly at Luleå University of Technology. He carries out IT-related assignments for industries/institutes, mainly internationally. However, they are highly confidential. Andreas is also the main developer of our software, and Toleap Consulting's IT manager.
Juan Carlos Rivera is our representative in Americas. He has over 20 years of experience working for different global companies and has a large network in the automotive, steel, aerospace and electro domestic industry.
Lennart Ringsjö has worked in different positions and areas in world-leading companies. He is results driven with focus on leadership and works with change, improvement and organisational development.
Börje Sundell is a real hands-on engineer with deep theoretical knowledge. He is also very customer and business oriented, always ready to assist the customers with the best services available.
Examples of previous trainings: